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ISACA Student Group

ISACA Student Group(ISG) at IIM Lucknow is the student chapter of Information Systems Audit and Control Association(ISACA). ISACA is a global, non-profit organization which engages in the development and adoption of industry-leading knowledge and practices for information systems. It defines the role of information systems governance, security, audit and assurance professionals worldwide. ISACA has developed various frameworks like COBIT, Val IT, Risk IT governance, etc. It also provides certifications to professionals like CISA, CISM, CRISIC, etc.

IIML ISG works as an interface between student community and the industry. Founded under the guidance of Prof. Arunabha Mukhopadhyay, IT & Systems, ISG facilitates interaction of students with Industry experts in the areas of IT Governance, Risk Management, etc. Members of ISG have access to the frameworks, resources and certifications provided by ISACA. Members of Lucknow chapter also interact with members from over 200 institutions from around 80 countries regarding the latest technological advancements and best practices.

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